As an early and frequent adopter of innovations in payments and financial services, Australia is a perfect host for Sibos.</p> Albert Naffah, Managing Director - Strategic Initiatives, Cashflow and Transaction Services, Commonwealth Bank, sees Sibos 2018 Sydney as an opportunity to showcase the country’s innovative spirit to the rest of the world.</p> In the below video, Albert outlines Sydney’s role as one of the world’s leading financial hubs and the country’s sophisticated financial services system: “A lot of the great solutions that we see around the world in payments and banking have come out of Australia, which most people don’t know.”</p> He sees Sibos as a platform for informed discussion about delivering great customer experience using emerging technologies, and dialogue about how to integrate the instant payments networks springing up around the world. </p> Going strong at 40</strong></p> As Sibos prepares to celebrate 40 years of collaborative innovation, Albert believes that the event has a crucial role in helping people to understand the latest industry developments and apply them to their customer base.</p> He said: “Sibos is still going strong because it’s an awesome way to network, build good friendships, and bring good ideas home.” </p> </p>